Michelle P. Kallis MD and Naomi-Liza Denning MD, scholars of the Elmezzi Graduate School of Molecular Medicine, traveled to Ecuador on a five-day service trip to assist in general and plastic surgery procedures. Drs. Kallis and Denning worked beside local medical students and residents to collaborate on new approaches to global health issues. Read more about Northwell Health’s Global Health Initiatives and the Elmezzi School here.

Last May, Northwell Health’s Feinstein Institute for Medical Research also announced that the Elmezzi School was the recipient of a $10 million endowed gift from the Thomas and Jeanne Elmezzi Private Foundation. This gift will provide support for the school’s graduate medical students through salary stipends, research assistance, and a variety of other professional resources. To read more about the Elmezzi scholars and the 2019 25th Anniversary Commencement Exercises click here.